Mentoring sessions with Dr. Diego Peydro. How to achieve the best results in your clinical cases

Every day I receive hundreds of messages from doctors in different parts of the world, asking me how they can achieve the same results that I´m getting in my patients.

The answer is very simple and it´s available to anyone who is willing to study and understand the basic principles and protocols to move teeth with aligners.

But first of all. The first step to achieve excellent results is to make a good diagnosis and treatment plan. If you fail here, it won´t be possible to achieve great clinical results.

Your clinical results have to be predictable and consistent. And for this to happen you have to learn as a primary step, how to perform the best diagnosis and treatment plan, and then, you must apply the different protocols to achieve the objectives that you have planned.

As you can see in the pictures that I show on social Media ( I publish almost everyday on Instagram and facebook), all my clinical cases have an excellent finishing.

I get these results because I repeatedly apply the same protocols. With no exception.

I NEVER IMPROVISE. And you have to avoid it if you want consistent and predictable results.

The “Mentoring Sessions have been designed to help you to achieve the best results in your cases by doing a good treatment plan as a first Step and then applying the protocols that work.

Each session is a 1 Hour Live Session ( we use Skype or Zoom Platform). You will have the opportunity to study and plan your clinical cases with Dr Diego Peydro. You will understand The “WHY” we do what we Do to get the results that you desire.

In this 1 Hour session you can ask about different cases. There´s no limit for that.

The cost of each session is 750 euros.To contract the service you must write to:

There´s no Shortcut in the Path to succeed.
Patience and Work and You will see that the results will come.
And of course, do not forget that you have the opportunity to attend to Master COIP (On site and OnLine Version)
You can find all the information in,
This is the Top Class Course that I manage with Dr Malagon from the last 15 years, where we have trained Doctors from all over the world and now they are leaders in their countries using aligners.
Trust me. There is no hidden secret. If you learn how to diagnose and plan and also you learn the protocols, It´s not possible to fail.
I wish you the best
I want to see you succeed .
From the bottom of my Heart.
Dr Diego Peydro.